Make the most of your earning potential with a flexible account that does more for you. Our money market account provides tiered rates, so higher balances earn higher interest.
There’s no need to lock away your funds either. It’s easy to access your money at any time: write a check**, or come into a branch for unlimited withdrawals. Get the best of both worlds — interest and accessibility!
- Better returns than regular savings accounts
- Tiered interest rates reward higher balances*
- Limited check writing ability
- Waive the $15 monthly service charge by maintaining $2,500 daily balance
- 6 withdrawals, checks**, or pre-authorized transfers per month
- Unlimited in-branch withdrawals
- Free online banking
- $3 monthly fee for paper statements. Sign up for free eStatements to waive the fee
- $100 minimum deposit to open
*Fees could reduce earnings. The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.
**A charge for check orders may apply.
Whatever your goal — there’s no better time to start!